Kino-eye stories from around the world
“My Resilience Story” videocast series mapping experiences and coping strategies of people in social tipping point cases.
Migrations due to Climate Change- ARGENTINA
contributed by María José Lubertino
Antonio Prada, a fisherman from Villa Constitución (Santa Fe, Argentina) tells us how they have had to abandon their homes due to repeated floods and droughts, how they have even had to live in their own canoes for some time, and how the climate crisis and the extractivist "bad development" model impact on their way of life and food security.
Antonio Prada, pescador de Villa Constitución (Santa Fe, Argentina) nos cuenta como han debido abandonar sus casas por reiteradas inundaciones y sequias, como han tenido incluso que vivir en sus propias canoas durante algún tiempo y como la crisis climática y el modelo de “mal desarrollo” extractivista impcata sobre su forma de vida y seguridad alimentaria.
"Syrian mobility stories from Turkey"
contributed by Susan Beth Rottmann